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Quem somos

O endereço do nosso site é: http://localhost:8888/Standard_1.4.

Que dados pessoais são recolhidos e porquê


Quando os visitantes deixam comentários no site, são guardados os dados presentes no formulário dos comentários, bem como o endereço de IP e o agente do utilizador do navegador, para ajudar com a detecção de spam.

Uma string anónima criada a partir do seu endereço de email (também designada por hash) pode ser enviada para o serviço Gravatar para verificar se o está a utilizar. A política de privacidade do serviço Gravatar está disponível aqui: https://automattic.com/privacy/. Depois do seu comentário ser aprovado, a fotografia do ser perfil fica visível para o público no contexto do seu comentário.


Ao carregar imagens para o site, deve evitar carregar imagens com dados incorporados de geolocalização (EXIF GPS). Os visitantes podem descarregar e extrair os dados de geolocalização das imagens do site.

Formulários de contacto


Se deixar um comentário no nosso site pode optar por guardar o seu nome, endereço de email e site nos cookies. Isto é para sua conveniência para não ter de preencher novamente os seus dados quando deixar outro comentário. Estes cookies durarão um ano.

Se visitar a página de início de sessão, será configurado um cookie temporário para determinar se o seu navegador aceita cookies. Este cookie não contém dados pessoais e será eliminado ao fechar o seu navegador.

Ao iniciar a sessão, serão configurados alguns cookies para guardar a sua informação de sessão e as suas escolhas de visualização de ecrã. Os cookies de início de sessão duram um ano. Se seleccionar "Lembrar-me", a sua sessão irá persistir durante duas semanas. Ao terminar a sessão, os cookies de inicio de sessão serão removidos.

Se editar ou publicar um artigo, será guardado no seu navegador um cookie adicional. Este cookie não inclui dados pessoais apenas indica o ID de conteúdo do artigo que acabou de editar. Expira ao fim de 1 dia.

Conteúdo incorporado de outros sites

Os artigos neste site podem incluir conteúdo incorporado (por exemplo: vídeos, imagens, artigos, etc.). O conteúdo incorporado de outros sites comporta-se tal como se o utilizador visitasse esses sites.

Este site pode recolher dados sobre si, usar cookies, incorporar rastreio feito por terceiros, monitorizar as suas interacções com o mesmo, incluindo registar as interacções com conteúdo incorporado se tiver uma conta e estiver com sessão iniciada nesse site.

Dados analíticos

Com quem são partilhados os seus dados

Por quanto tempo são retidos os seus dados

Se deixar um comentário, o comentário e os seus metadados são guardados indefinidamente. Isto acontece de modo a ser possível reconhecer e aprovar automaticamente quaisquer comentários seguintes, em vez de os colocar numa fila de moderação.

Para utilizadores que se registem no nosso site (se algum), guardamos a informação pessoal fornecida no seu perfil de utilizador. Todos os utilizadores podem ver, editar, ou eliminar a sua informação pessoal a qualquer momento (com a excepção de não poderem alterar o nome de utilizador). Os administradores do site podem também ver e editar essa informação.

Que direitos tem sobre os seus dados

Se tiver uma conta neste site, ou deixou comentários, pode pedir para receber um ficheiro de exportação com os dados pessoais guardados sobre si, incluindo qualquer dado pessoal que indicou. Também pode solicitar que os dados guardados sejam eliminados. Isto não inclui qualquer dado pessoal que seja obrigatório manter para fins administrativos, legais ou de segurança.

Para onde são enviados os seus dados

Os comentários dos visitantes podem ser verificados através de um serviço automático de detecção de spam.

As suas informações de contacto

Informações adicionais

Como são protegidos os seus dados

Procedimentos previstos perante uma violação de dados

De que terceiros recebemos dados

Que decisões e/ou definições de perfil automatizadas nós fazemos com os dados de utilizador

Requisitos de comunicação do sector regulamentado

Marketing and CRM

  • Marketing Automation
  •  Customer Acquisition and Retention
  • X-sell and up-sell, Propensity to Purchase
  • Segmentation
  • Advanced Campaign Criteria
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Control groups, AB testing and Uplift calculation
  • Conversion Group Analysis
  • Real time Event Processing

Maximize Your CRM and Marketing Impact with Advanced iGaming Analytics

In the competitive world of iGaming, effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and marketing strategies are key to driving growth and player loyalty. Our specialized analytics services empower you to optimize every aspect of your CRM and marketing efforts, from automation to real-time event processing. By leveraging data-driven insights, you can enhance customer acquisition, boost retention, and increase revenue through targeted and personalized campaigns.


Marketing Automation

  • Personalized Campaigns at Scale: Automate your marketing efforts with AI-driven tools that create personalized experiences for each player, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.
  • Multi-Channel Integration: Seamlessly integrate your marketing campaigns across multiple channels, including email, SMS, social media, and in-app notifications, to maintain consistent and impactful communication.
  • Behavioral Triggers: Set up automated responses based on player behavior, such as game activity or purchase history, to deliver timely and relevant offers that increase engagement and conversion rates.


Customer Acquisition and Retention

  • Acquisition Analytics: Use advanced data analysis to identify the most effective acquisition channels, optimize your marketing spend, and attract high-value players to your platform.
  • Retention Strategies: Analyze player behavior and preferences to develop targeted retention strategies that reduce churn and increase player lifetime value.
  • Loyalty Programs: Design and optimize loyalty programs based on player data, ensuring that rewards are both appealing and cost-effective.


X-sell and Up-sell, Propensity to Purchase

  • Cross-Sell Opportunities: Leverage analytics to identify opportunities for cross-selling complementary games or products to your players, increasing their overall spend and engagement.
  • Up-Sell Strategies: Predict which players are most likely to respond to up-sell offers, such as premium features or higher stakes games, and target them with personalized promotions.
  • Propensity Models: Utilize propensity to purchase models to predict future player actions, allowing you to craft offers that align with their likely behavior and maximize conversion rates.



  • Advanced Player Segmentation: Group players based on various criteria such as behavior, preferences, demographics, and spending patterns, enabling highly targeted marketing efforts that resonate with each segment.
  • Dynamic Segmentation: Continuously update and refine player segments using real-time data, ensuring that your marketing strategies remain relevant and effective as player behavior evolves.
  • Custom Segment Creation: Develop custom segments tailored to your specific business goals, whether you’re focusing on high-value players, new sign-ups, or dormant users.


Advanced Campaign Criteria

  • Multi-Dimensional Targeting: Design campaigns with advanced criteria that go beyond basic demographics, incorporating behavior, preferences, and real-time activity to create highly targeted and effective marketing initiatives.
  • Predictive Targeting: Use predictive analytics to identify the best times and channels to engage each player, maximizing the impact of your campaigns.
  • Personalization at Scale: Implement advanced criteria that allow for deep personalization, ensuring that each player receives a message that feels tailor-made for them.


Campaign Analysis

  • Comprehensive Performance Metrics: Track the performance of your campaigns across all channels with detailed analytics, including click-through rates, conversion rates, Uplift and ROI.
  • Optimization Insights: Benchmark campaign results and identify what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to make data-driven adjustments for future campaigns.
  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Assess the cost-effectiveness of your campaigns, ensuring that your marketing spend is driving the highest possible returns.


Control Groups, AB Testing, and Uplift Calculation

  • AB Testing: Run controlled experiments to test different versions of your campaigns, such as varying subject lines, images, or calls to action, to determine which performs best.
  • Control Group Analysis: Use control groups to measure the true impact of your campaigns by comparing results against a baseline, providing clear insights into campaign effectiveness.
  • Uplift Calculation: Calculate the incremental impact (uplift) of your campaigns by analyzing the difference in behavior between your test groups and control groups, ensuring that you understand the true value of your marketing efforts.


Conversion Group Analysis

  • Understand Conversion Group: Track and analyze players that accepted your campaign and compare the conversion group to the target group to optimize your next campaign.
  • Segment-Specific Conversions: Analyze conversion rates within different player segments to understand which strategies work best for each group, allowing you to fine-tune your approach.
  • Attribution Modeling: Determine the impact of each marketing channel on conversions, helping you to allocate resources more effectively and optimize your overall strategy.


Real-Time Event Processing

  • Instant Response Capabilities: Use real-time analytics to respond instantly to player actions, such as placing a bet, winning a game, or making a purchase, with personalized offers or messages.
  • Live Campaign Adjustments: Adjust your campaigns on the fly based on real-time data, ensuring that your marketing efforts are always aligned with the latest player activity.
  • Event-Driven Engagement: Trigger automated campaigns based on live events, such as a player’s first deposit or a big win, to maximize engagement and retention.


  • Can you calculate the real Uplift or ROI from your campaigns?
  • Do you know the best channels for each type of campaign?
  • Can you Cross or Up-Sell efficiently?
  • Do you have all the variables you need to build your targets?
  • Are you capable of developing a campaign strategy?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Analytics & Data Science

We put Analytics to your service. The Insights you need, at the right moment, in the right place, to the right person.

Data is everywhere. Data is growing faster than ever, either structured or unstructured, so the ability of extracting insights from Data is the challenge that moves us.
We deliver the Insights you need.

What is Analytics?

Analytics by definition is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics, or simply the science of logical analysis. But today we use a broader definition and we can say that Analytics involves analysing historical data from different sources to find trends, effects of past decisions or events, or measure performance, and then apply this knowledge to improve Business.

Analytics Maturity Model

For each step you go up in the Analytics Maturity Ladder, the bigger will be the Value you add to your business. The complexity also rises in each step, and it’s very difficult to jump steps, here is where Pluto Analytics’ wide experience deploying and improving Analytical Systems can help you.

  • Do you have all the information you need when making decisions?
  • Do you spend more time analysing information rather than collecting it?
  • Do you have the same business numbers of all the other members of your company?
  • Do you feel that you are one step ahead of your competitors?
  • Do you think that your company is efficient dealing with business information?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!