Pluto Analytics
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Pluto Analytics

We are passionate about data

We make the best out of it work together on a data driven journey are proud to be a team that works as a team​ solve the most complex business data challenges contribute to the long-term success of our clients

about us

About Pluto

Pluto Analytics is a global consulting company, focused on Analytics and Data Science.

Our approach is to align Companies Business Strategy and Growth with a Data Strategy and Analytic capabilities. Our very experienced team believes this is the path to success, as we have delivered so many successful implementations all across the world with great Customer Satisfaction.

In this approach, we follow strategic principles such as:

  • Agile methodologies, to achieve results in a short term
  • Self Service Analytics, providing autonomy to every business user
  • Change Management since day 0, involving every user in all project stages, supported with training and workshops
  • Focus on Value creation, joining technology and information, using Mobility and Location Intelligence

Pluto Analytics Team is composed of very experienced Consultants in the Analytics field, working passionately and motivated together with our customers, assuring success.


our services

Our Services

We specialize in providing comprehensive and innovative solutions to help businesses navigate the ever-evolving world of data. Whether you're looking to optimize your operations, enhance customer experience, or unlock hidden opportunities, our cutting-edge solutions will empower your organization to thrive in today's data-driven landscape.

our services



Your Premier iGaming Analytics Experts.
Where cutting-edge technology meets deep industry expertise to revolutionize the iGaming experience. As your trusted partner in iGaming analytics, we specialize in turning complex data into actionable insights, driving your business towards unprecedented success.

At Pluto Analytics, we understand the dynamic nature of the iGaming industry and the critical role data plays in staying ahead of the competition. Our team of seasoned data scientists and industry experts is dedicated to providing tailored analytics solutions that empower you to make informed decisions, optimize player engagement, and maximize revenue.

our news

Latest news

Introducing Snowpipe Streaming for Real-Time Data

Snowflake has launched Snowpipe Streaming, a powerful new solution for continuous data loading. With a streaming API, Kafka Connector, and dynamic tables, Snowpipe Streaming simplifies real-time data integration and keeps your tables up-to-date effortlessly.

The faces behind our success – Meet Tiago Fonseca

Tiago Fonseca’s career spans multiple industries and countries, always driven by a passion for learning and innovation

Unleashing the Power of Quality Information

The journey to improve Data Quality is not just about technology—it’s a cultural shift. The voices of leaders, from CDOs to Data Engineers, must champion the importance of quality data throughout organizations.


Join us

Join us on our journey to build an amazing future.

Spontaneous Application

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey with us? We are thrilled to invite you to submit a spontaneous application and join our dynamic team.

Business Intelligence Consultant

We are looking for Business Intelligence Consultants to join our team in our offices in Lisbon.




Power BI

Data Engineer

Apache Spark

Data Platform

Azure Synapse Analytics

Analytics & Data Science

We put Analytics to your service. The Insights you need, at the right moment, in the right place, to the right person.

Data is everywhere. Data is growing faster than ever, either structured or unstructured, so the ability of extracting insights from Data is the challenge that moves us.
We deliver the Insights you need.

What is Analytics?

Analytics by definition is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics, or simply the science of logical analysis. But today we use a broader definition and we can say that Analytics involves analysing historical data from different sources to find trends, effects of past decisions or events, or measure performance, and then apply this knowledge to improve Business.

Analytics Maturity Model

For each step you go up in the Analytics Maturity Ladder, the bigger will be the Value you add to your business. The complexity also rises in each step, and it’s very difficult to jump steps, here is where Pluto Analytics’ wide experience deploying and improving Analytical Systems can help you.

  • Do you have all the information you need when making decisions?
  • Do you spend more time analysing information rather than collecting it?
  • Do you have the same business numbers of all the other members of your company?
  • Do you feel that you are one step ahead of your competitors?
  • Do you think that your company is efficient dealing with business information?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Data Strategy

We help you to align your Business Strategy with Data and Analytics Strategy

The Alignment of Business Strategy with Data and Analytics Strategy is vital to success. Companies must be committed with this objective. This is our vision and our mission is to help organisations achieve it.

Ask us how.

What is a Data Strategy?

A Data Strategy makes sure that all Data resources can be used easily and efficiently. By defining processes to manage and manipulate data across the company, a Data Strategy assures that all Data can be used correctly, effectively and efficiently. Without a Data Strategy, different parts of the company will have different or duplicated Data, leading to double efforts and costs.

The alignment of the Business Strategy with the Data Strategy is mandatory, otherwise it will be impossible to answer actual and future business needs. Data Strategy includes several sub-strategies, like Data Management and Governance, Master Data Management, Enterprise Data Warehouse, Operational Data Store, Big Data, Content Management, and so on.

  • Do you have a Data Strategy?
  • Do you know where your information is?
  • Do you have a single truth of your information?
  • Do you have all the information you need, across all the company?
  • Do you align your Business Strategy with your Data Strategy?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!


Discover new ways of doing business by mobilising your teams and processes.

Mobility is a key element for Business Productivity. Smartphones and tablets are part of our lives. Not only your teams need to access information everywhere, but also your business processes need mobility.
We bring Mobility to your Business.

Why Mobility?

Mobile usage is ahead of Desktop usage since 2015. Mobility is now part of our personal lives, but in Business there is much more potential. Not only Customers are changing their habits due to Mobility, Companies must also adapt their processes to gain efficiency and performance, and this means much more than creating mobile channels to your customers.

With Mobility, you can empower your sales force with all online functionalities from your Systems, you can provide routing and other usefull information to distribution teams or any other field team. Information gathered onsite can be immediatelly inserted in your systems, reducing human error and adding geolocation. Also the Executive and management teams can access business information anywhere and in real time, making decisions faster and easier.

  • Do you have access to all information you need, anytime and anywhere?
  • Do your teams on the field have the tools they need?
  • Do you know the percentage of human error when people introduce data after the events they’re registering?
  • Can your Customers access all the information or services you provide in their Smartphones?
  • Do you know all the benefits Mobility can bring to your business ?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Corporate Performance Management

Making Business Performance Management for Enterprises simpler.

Align corporate strategy with the execution of operations to bring about improved cash flow and budget control. Produce timely and accurate information while increasing standardisation and automation of processes.
We make it simpler.

Corporate Performance Management

A clear definition of business drivers and performance monitoring, aligning objectives with your teams facilitates the achievement of strategic and operational goals.

Corporate Performance Management are the processes, activities and tools that corporations use to manage the performance of their organisations, departments, teams or individuals. CPM starts with Planning and aligning business goals and objectives, modeling financial data with business rules, assign responsabilities and tasks, then it’s possible to define an accurate budget that can be easily monitored, analysed and reviewed.

  • Do you still use Excel for your Budget?
  • Do you know and monitor your business drivers?
  • Do you know exactly how is your business performance today?
  • Do you have the capability of easily adapt to market changes?
  • Do you have accurate forecasting processes?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Marketing Automation

We take the 360 view of customers and Omnichannel into the Automation of Marketing processes.

Understand which marketing initiatives work and which don’t. Optimize target selection and improve campaigns uplift.
We give you the best insights on Marketing effectiveness and automate processes, releasing valuable time from your teams.

Marketing Automation

With Marketing Automation, companies can launch more campaigns, triggered by business events, in a repeatable, automated and trackable way.

With our Marketing Automation solutions, we can provide fully automated processes, since customer segmentation and target definition, integration with dispatchers, campaign real-time monitoring to world class analytics that enable our customers to reach higher performance.

  • Do you have a Marketing Strategy?
  • Do you measure Campaign Uplift with accuracy?
  • Do you have any automation in marketing processes?
  • Do you analyze and benchmark campaigns?
  • Do you know what channels and campaign types work better for each business objective?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Business Solutions

Watch Analytics in action with the right Solution for your business.

If you can’t find a Business Solution that fits your needs, or if existing solutions don’t match your business, we can make it.
Explore our Solutions Portfolio and challenge us!

Why to build a business solution on analytical platforms?

Instead of building Business Applications and then build Analytics on top of them, we can build Business Solutions on top of Analytical Systems. There are multiple advantages like taking advantage of existing infrastructure and licensing, security is already implemented, and if corporate DW is deployed, you have access to all important information from different systems, already correlated and fully validated.

Explore our solutions portfolio, from Balanced Score Card to Mobile Sales Point applications. And if you don’t find what you need, just challenge us with your needs.

  • Do your working tools cover all your needs?
  • Do you have a tool for all your special requests?
  • Can you put your original ideas working in your Organization?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Big Data & Management

We enhance the value of your Data by managing its full lifecycle.

Big Data brought different chalenges to Data Administration and Governance, but still, it’s Data. Data Management has to consider all these challenges of structured and unstructured, masking, volumes, governance and latencies.
We make Data Management simple.

What is Big Data?

Big Data is a moving concept, that is not clearly defined. An usually accepted definition is a large data set, that traditional systems have difficulties handling. But what is ‘big’  today, will probably be considered small tomorrow. So we like to call it simply Data, where it’s large volumes and growth are concerns for your Data Strategy and Data Management policies.

Today we can collect Data from almost everything: IOT systems, server logs, video, medical devices, tracking devices and so on. With the proper tools, we can extract information from these large data sets, and get insights that weren’t possible before. Big Data systems do not replace traditional systems, their combination and the usage of the right solution for each situation is the key.

  • Is Data the biggest asset of your company?
  • Do you collect all the information your business produces?
  • Can you manage and analyse all the information you have?
  • Is Data security and privacy assured?
  • Do you know what Big Data systems can do for you?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Location Intelligence

Understanding your data by finding its geographic relationships.

Location Data is a growing component in Business Data. GPS and IOT are proliferating, and the geographic relations hidden in data add a great value to Business.
We take the value of Location Intelligence and Geospatial Analysys to Business Users.

What is Location Intelligence?

Location Intelligence is basically getting Insights from Geospatial Data. When we layer different data sets on a map, we can find geographical relations that can bring great Business Value. Not only can we map Business Information, but also external information like social or economic data. Some examples are: lifestyle, cost of living, climate, position of water or mountains, transports, road map, store layout and so on.

Joining Location Intelligence with Business Intelligence or Analytics systems has a huge potential of Business improvements, either in performance, efficiency, cost reduction, market segmentation, store locations and other strategic decisions.

  • Do you know where your Customers are?
  • Do you know where’s the nearest shop or sales team to your Customers?
  • Do you know the fastest way to reach your Customers?
  • Do you know the best place for a new store or for a specific kind of campaign?
  • Do you know where your competitors are?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Near You

Either on premises or in a nearshore model, We will always be where needed.

To answer market demands, Pluto Analytics also delivers services performed in neighboring regions rather than in customer location. Proximity makes travel and communications faster and less expensive.
With this nearshore approach, customers can reduce costs and operate more efficiently.

Why Nearshore?

Typically companies turn to outsourcing to save money and operate more efficiently. In the past, to accomplish these goals, organisations frequently outsourced functions to lower-cost locations in India or China. But recently, companies have learnt that outsourcing business functions to a faraway location on the other side of the world has its drawbacks, including cultural differences, communication issues and time differences.

Geographic proximity means that travel and communications are easier and less expensive, there are likely to be at least some commonalities between the cultures, and people are more likely to speak the same language. Using this philosophy, customers can typically reduce costs and operate more efficiently.

  • Do you know how to decrease the total cost of Analytics Investment?
  • Do you know how to reduce risk in Analytics Implementations?
  • Do you know how to have the best talents on your Analytics projects?
  • Do you know how to manage your team workload to answer business needs?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!


Get answers in real time without interrupting your workflow – no clicks required.

Also known as “zero-click BI”, HyperIntelligence delivers the necessary Analytics and fast action capability to the users in their own work environment, without the need to go look for it.

Why to use HyperIntelligence?

Dashboards aren’t enough. HyperIntelligence can deploy contextual insight to any website, e-mail, screen, wall, device, or application. You can get answers in real time without interrupting your workflow – no clicks required.

Create flexible and friendly user HyperCards for your business applications, browsers or e-mail, with actionable insights from any Enterprise Source, manage security and deploy to thousands with a few clicks.

Want to see HyperIntelligence in action?

Just talk to us! 

  • Can you get all the information you need to work inside your business Applications?
  • Can you do all the actions for the same process in a single Application?
  • Can you collect information from different sources on your Application?
  • Can you take immediate action after receiving an e-mail?


If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!


  • Compliance
  • Regulation
  • Data Analysis
  • Business Intelligence
  • Operational Management
  • Financial Management
  • Affiliate Reporting
  • Real-Time Data Analytics
  • Generosity and Bonus Management

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Advanced Analytics with AI and ML

  • Recommendation Engines
  • Fraud detection & Bonus abuse
  • Player’s behavior analysis and Churn prediction
  • Betting patterns, Sensitivity to results, Resistance to critical events
  • Resistance to loss and Winning euphoria
  • Most probable action after event
  • Identification of anomalous patterns and behaviors
  • Early VIP identification
  • Game and portfolio forecast

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

Marketing and CRM

  • Marketing Automation
  •  Customer Acquisition and Retention
  • X-sell and up-sell, Propensity to Purchase
  • Segmentation
  • Advanced Campaign Criteria
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Control groups, AB testing and Uplift calculation
  • Conversion Group Analysis
  • Real time Event Processing

If you got at least one No to these questions or if you want to go to the next level, talk to us!

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